19/08/2024 version
The website accessible at www.iperia.eu (the "Site") is provided by IPERIA, a brand of "Certification & Compétences", a registered non-profit organization with SIRET number 400 417 879 00089, whose registered office is located at 60 avenue Quakenbrück, BP 136, 61004 Alençon, France. It is represented by its President, Mrs. Anita POUTARD, ("Certification & Compétences"), who is a member of the "Domicile & Compétences" group.
The editor-in-chief of Le Site is Mrs. Anita POUTARD, President of Certification & Compétences.
To contact Certification & Compétences, you can write to: Certification & Compétences, 60 avenue Quakenbrück, BP 136, 61004 Alençon, France. You can also use the Site’s dedicated contact form, or call: 800 820 920.
The technical hosting of the Site is provided by AZNETWORK, 40 Rue André Ampère, 61000 Alençon, France.
Photo credits
The images used on this site are licensed under Shutterstock.com.
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