How can you keep up with changes in your profession? Meet a new need identified by your individual employer? Gain additional recognition? Align your skills with your ambitions? Or simply grow your business?
Training is undoubtedly a springboard for advancing your career. This time for learning and exchanging ideas provides you with the opportunity to acquire new skills and advance your career, regardless of your age or stage.
Continuing education isn’t just a chapter in your career path, it’s a milestone, a key step. It's important to take the time to discuss your training plans with your employers.
Now it's time to identify the training programs that will benefit your career goals. Choosing a training plan tailored to your professional situation and pace is essential to improving your skills in the short, medium, and long term.
Some training programs are part of certification tracks. They can culminate in a certification if the competencies are acquired.
Discover themOne solution is available:
Témoignage d’une assistante maternelle qui a évolué avec IPERIA dans le secteur de l’emploi à domicile
Re-dépôt des titres RNCP et des certificats RS : IPERIA sur le terrain auprès des salariés pour récolter retours d’expérience, commentaires et suggestions